
Cost Comparison:  Pumping v. Chemicals to Maintain a Grease Trap
Monday, March 11, 2024
drain care

Cost Comparison: Pumping v. Chemicals to Maintain a Grease Trap

There 清洗隔油池有两种主要方法:(1)定期泵出隔油池,或(2)在隔油池内加入化学品,减少泵出次数. All grease traps need to be pumped out, 但泵出的频率可以通过在陷阱中添加化学物质来降低.

知道是频繁抽油还是添加化学物质并减少抽油频率是一个困难的决定. 决策方面的挑战之一是难以理解这些期权的价格.

At State Chemical, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在全美销售隔油池维修化学品, Canada, and Puerto Rico. 下面的价格为隔油池维护化学品反映了澳门威尼斯人赌城网站目前向客户收取的实际价格. State Chemical does not provide grease trap pumping services. 包括抽水隔油池的价格反映了加利福尼亚州一家隔油池抽水公司的实际价格.

这篇文章比较了抽除隔油池的价格和使用化学品处理隔油池的价格. It then uses an example to demonstrate whether adding chemicals can save you money.

 Diagram depicting how a grease trap works. 隔油池被描绘成一个矩形盒子,两端各有一根排水管.  First, wastewater enters the trap through a drainage pipe. 其次,隔油池有一个将浮油与水分离的装置. 第三,水从另一根管子流出隔油池,而浮雾留在隔油池内.

A Grease Trap Collects Fats, Oils, and Greases

A grease trap collects fats, oils, and greases (“FOGs”) in a commercial kitchen. 隔油池可以防止雾进入城市的下水道系统. 大多数城市都要求商用厨房安装隔油池,因为雾会堵塞城市下水道系统. The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) found that grease is the most common cause of drain blockages. Cities require grease traps to avoid these blockages.

A grease trap works by separating FOGs from wastewater. 雾气留在隔油池中,水离开隔油池流入城市下水道. The FOGs then solidify into a solid block in the grease trap. 这个固体块就像留在平底锅里的凝固的培根油脂. 隔油池中的雾气需要定期清理.

Grease traps vary by size. 室内隔油池是在建筑物内发现的,容量为10 - 500加仑. 在建筑物外发现了一个室外隔油池,容量超过500加仑. Outdoor grease traps are also called grease interceptors.

All Grease Traps Need to Be Pumped Out

All grease traps must be pumped out. When a grease trap is pumped out, 由专人清除隔油池内的所有浮雾,并在指定设施妥善处置.

许多城市在法律上要求有隔油池的厨房把隔油池的油抽出来. Even if you are not legally required to pump the grease trap, all grease traps will eventually need to be pumped out. There is no way to completely eliminate pumping.

However, 在隔油池中加入化学物质可以减少隔油池必须被泵出的节奏. 许多需要每月泵出而没有化学维护的厨房通过增加化学维护将泵出计划减少到每季度一次.


Now that you understand what a grease trap is, 下一步是确定你要花多少钱来处理陷阱. 加利福尼亚州的一家隔油池泵公司估计,你可以使用他们的服务来泵出一个 定期维修的室内隔油器售价175至475元,而定期维修的室外隔油器售价325至950元. 然而,如果隔油池没有定期维护,价格会高出3倍. The cost for 抽水一个未维修的室内隔油池的费用为525元至1425元,抽水一个未维修的室外隔油池的费用为975元至2850元.

影响隔油池泵送价格的因素包括隔油池是否妥善保养, the size of the grease trap, and how accessible the grease trap is. 抽水一个没有定期维护的大型隔油池要花费更多的时间,因为它比一个维护良好的小型隔油池需要更多的时间.

Grease Trap Chemicals Cost Between $150-400 Per Month.

除了抽除隔油池外,你还可以添加化学品来处理隔油池. 你不能消除对泵的需要,但添加化学物质可以减少这种需要.

A grease trap chemical program with State Chemical costs $150 – 400 monthly. 费用取决于隔油池中油脂的严重程度. If there is more grease in the grease trap, 必须使用更强效的化学品,而且这些化学品的使用浓度必须高于隔油池中油脂较少的情况.

例如:如果您将每月的泵出改为化学品和季度泵出, you can save over $1,800 per year.

既然澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经研究了隔油池水泵和化学品的定价, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将用一个例子来演示如何确定在陷阱中添加化学物质是否可以节省你的钱.

If you have a well-maintained outdoor grease trap, are not using chemical maintenance, and need to pump the grease trap monthly, your yearly average price is $3,900-11,400. Assuming you are at a median price point, your annual cost to pump out is $7,650.

许多增加化学维护的厨房将泵出计划从每月一次减少到每季度一次. The average price for chemicals is $140-400 per month. 如果你的价格处于中位数,那么你每年在化学品上的花费是3240美元. Adding $3,240 to the cost to pump out quarterly of $2,550, 你使用化学品和每季度抽气的总成本是每年5,790美元.

Thus, 从每月抽油改为使用化学品每季度抽油,可以节省1美元以上,800 per year.


在隔油池中加入化学溶液可能适合你,也可能不适合你. In the example above, adding a chemical solution saved $1,800, but the math differs for all situations.

To learn if chemicals can save you money, contact State Chemical. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将对您的隔油池进行个性化调查,并帮助您确定在隔油池中添加化学品是否适合您.