


想象一下:这是一个繁忙的周五晚上,在你的餐馆. 顾客们鱼贯而入, 桌子都坐满了, 服务员们端着热气腾腾的盘子来回奔波. 然后你听到后面传来一阵骚动. You find your frantic employee struggling to unclog the sink while piles of dirty plates stack higher and higher. The clog will not budge—your drain is out of commission at the worst possible time.

As the person responsible, you may be overwhelmed trying to find a solution. 是的, you need to fix the issue—and quickly—但 you also need to figure out how, 你得弄清楚哪里出了问题, 你得让你的设施重新运转起来, 你需要控制在预算之内. 有这么多要考虑的事情,可能很难知道从哪里开始.

Here at State Chemical, we hear these concerns every day, and we have for over a hundred years. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道有这么多潜在的选择需要探索, it can be difficult to get down to the real problem and its most efficient solution. That’s why it’s our goal to provide you with transparent information about our products so that you can find the drain opener to solve your issue.

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供独特的排水管开启器,设计用于不同的需求,如 drain type, ingredients used, chemical regulations, effectiveness, and safety. 为了您的方便, we have taken the time to compare these products and their appropriate uses to enable you to make the right decision.


    • 下水道堵塞的原因?
    • 什么是开水管器?
    • 哪个开水管器能解决我的问题?
    • 我可以使用排水管维修器疏通我的排水管吗?
    • 如何正确使用开水管器?
    • 那么,什么是最适合我的产品?


你可能已经注意到你的排水管堵塞了,想知道是什么引起的. You haven’t been throwing trash down it; why is it suddenly backed up? Drain clogs can be caused by many different factors—sometimes things that we don’t realize are contri但ing to blockages.

下水道堵塞的象形图. 排水管是


一些最常见的排水问题是由 雾形成. 例如, 如果培根油倒在水槽里, 它会在管道中凝结, 尤其是有曲折和转折的地方. The more frequently the bacon grease is dumped down the drain, the more it will build up. 这本身就可以减缓或堵塞排水管, 但 the issue is worsened when other foreign objects like organics are put down the drain.


像头发和食物这样的有机物也会导致堵塞. 这些堵塞只有在与FOGs的堵塞结合时才会恶化.

例如, 头发通常不会自己堵塞排水管, 但是当它被身体积存的油脂和肥皂渣缠住时, 这会引发问题. 与此同时, certain foods like rice or pasta will create issues on their own by creating blockages and absorbing water—the presence of FOGs only makes it easier for them to get stuck in the pipes. This is why it’s important to watch what’s going down the drain and avoid problematic items as much as possible.


Some of the most troubling clogs will be caused by products like diapers, wipes, and bedsheets 取决于你的设备.

在养老院, 例如, residents may flush diapers down the toilet rather than dispose of them in the trash. What they may not realize is that drains aren’t built to handle these products and that they are likely to get clogged, especially in situations where the drain is already dealing with 雾形成. Educating staff and facility users about what can and cannot go down a drain is imperative to avoiding these more intensive blockages.


Another potential cause of drain clogs that you may not think of is sediment. Think about the dirt and debris that may get picked up when you’re mopping your floors, 例如. 如果被拖把捡起的东西最后被扔进了水槽, you could be dealing with dirt and rocks settling into your drain lines and causing clogs.


现在你知道是什么导致下水道堵塞了吧, 而是为了解决你的问题, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站必须确定什么是开水管器,什么不是.

排水管开启器是解决排水管堵塞的一种反应性方法. 换句话说, they are to be used when the drain is blocked and water will not pass through it, 或者它们也可以用于缓慢排水. 在这些点, 很明显,排水管已经堵塞了, 需要一个开水管器来解决这个问题.

这与排水维护器不同, which is generally used as a preventative treatment to stop drain blockages from happening in the first place. 大多数排水管维护器不应用于处理堵塞的排水管 since they won’t usually have any significant impact on an already-formed clog. 然而,重要的是要注意 某些排水管维修人员可以处理缓慢的排水管. 但在大多数情况下, 如果你的目的是防止未来下水道堵塞, 消除排水沟苍蝇栖息地, 处理干排水管, 或者保养下水道, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议您阅读 《澳门威尼斯人赌城网站》.”


当你探索的时候,问你自己:我是喜欢酸还是不喜欢酸? 木屐有多严重? 很可能是什么造成了堵塞? 有什么我需要遵守的城市规定吗? State Chemical offers three main drain openers for different preferences and types of clogs.



被认为是国家化学提供的最重型的开水管器, 急停 是硫酸液体泄放器吗. 急停被设计成可以被水激活, 所以一旦它进入排水管, 它使木屐下沉并分解.

If you have an acid preference, 急停 is a strong choice, 但 it is designed for severe situations. The product is strong enough that it can potentially cause damage to older pipes, 弱铸铁管, rusted-over管道, 和瓷器. 也就是说, 急停 is a tried-and-true product that works quickly and efficiently to decimate your clog, 但 we recommend it only be used in extreme situations, such as for paper or cotton clogs.

搬运时,磨损 个人防护装备,就像所有的排污器一样. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站还建议戴口罩.


A 非酸性液体碗清洁剂 它比水重, 泄水火箭 是腐蚀性下水道开启器吗 这样就能直接找到堵塞的原因. 从那里, it generates heat and ends up boiling and pushing the clog out.

排水火箭是最好的标准堵塞, 比如淋浴排水管或厨房水槽里的那些含有油脂的东西, 皂垢, 或有机物. 因为它是非酸性的, 它被认为是比急停等酸性排水开启器更安全的选择, 而且很容易使用, with users typically just pouring a pint bottle down the drain in question.

如果你的排水管堵塞更严重, 排水火箭不是你的产品, 但它对标准堵塞有效.


有点类似于泄水火箭, 清除 是粒状开水管器吗 在激活之前,它会下沉到堵塞的源头, 在那里温度会达到华氏212度来融化木屐. 从那里,融化的堵塞物可以很容易地通过管道.

通常考虑清退 比液体泄放器危险性小 因为有更少的风险溅回和更容易应用. 这也是 更经济 每瓶25次,每箱200次. 它还留下了一个 清新的柠檬香味 whereas sulfuric acid drain openers tend to have an odor of rotten eggs.

这也是 possible to use 清除 as a form of preventative drain maintenance, 比如为了避免排水缓慢, 但如果你没有遇到下水道堵塞, it may be more cost-effective to go for a traditional drain maintainer.


传统上, 排水管维护器用于预防性排水管护理, 并不是所有的都能有效疏通下水道. 然而, 某些排水管维修人员可以疏通缓慢的排水管. These products should not be used for fully blocked drains or more severe situations, 但 they come in handy for treating a mild drain block before it gets worse. State Chemical sells several drain maintainers that can help unblock slow drains.


虽然不是真正的下水道开启器, Grease-B-Gone works so quickly that it can be used in place of one in the case of slow drains. 主要由橙油组成, 油脂- b - gone是一种乳化剂,可以分解fog.

Grease-B-Gone是 最适合用于缓慢的淋浴排水管和厨房排水管. 然而, it is an expensive option, so PrimeZyme may be more cost-effective as a drain maintainer. 另外, 因为油脂b - gone是乳化剂, it’s important to know your local laws and whether emulsifiers are legal in your area.


包含 细菌和酶, PrimeZyme 有时可以用作缓慢排水的排水管开启器吗.

PrimeZyme含有有益细菌, which feed on organic buildup in drains and digest them into carbon dioxide and water, 去除积聚. 这些细菌每20分钟翻一番, 所以只要有有机物供它们食用, 他们继续清理排水管.

如果你的排水管很慢,PrimeZyme是一个不错的选择 抵抗积聚,继续保持排水管畅通 即使在最初的问题解决之后. 润滑脂- b - gone比PrimeZyme更有效,但PrimeZyme更 有成本效益的所以选择取决于你想要什么.


一个额外的排水维护器,可以用来打开缓慢的排水管 一种盐. 注意这一点很重要 这种选择只能用于小便池,以处理尿酸盐的积累.

If your urinals’ uric salt buildup is bad enough to be causing slow drains, 一种盐 is an effective option to break down this buildup and get the drains back in working order. 从那里, it can be used as a weekly preventative treatment to stop the drains from getting to that point again.


当使用排水管开启器时, be sure to familiarize yourself with the product’s individual safety information and directions. 每个产品的标签上都有如何使用的说明, 使用正确的数量, 妥善处理.

操作所有排水管开启器时佩戴个人防护装备. This means putting on protective clothing, gloves, goggles, and potentially a face shield. 和 永远不要低头看排水管,看看产品是否有效. 化学物质会溅回,对你的身体造成伤害.


选择一个开水管器有很多变数. 当你被下水道堵塞的混乱所淹没时, 很难迅速做出明智的决定, 但是有了这些信息, 现在,您可以根据自己的情况选择最佳解决方案. 现在你对你需要什么样的开水管器有了更好的了解, 是时候迈出你人生旅程的下一步了 选择一家排水管清洁公司.